About D is for Divorce

Who am I? How did I get here?


Do you sense an existential crisis happening? Are these questions you are asking yourself? Trust me you are not alone.

If I had been asked to describe myself six years ago it would have been as simple as saying: ” I am Bianca, married to the best husband who is such a great provider that I get to stay home and be a mom to two under two.”

And that was exactly what I was…until I wasn’t anymore. I had to figure out what my next move was. 


How is this my life?


I was never meant to become a single mom of two kids under two. And not single because I was one of those smart woman who chose to never get married [kidding not kidding]. No. Single because my husband found himself a mistress after eight years of marriage. I was never meant to be the mom who had to share her children with their father because he chose to have a different life. I was never meant to sit crying over the thought of another woman playing mom to my kids. I was never meant to be a grown ass woman who, after fifteen years with the same man, had to now start dating again. I was never meant to mourn the loss of the man I loved and chose to have children with and still endure seeing him every weekend.


How is this my life?


I was always meant to be a single mom of two kids under two. I was meant to be a single mom who went back into law and gained the self-appointed title of Mompreneur. I was meant to be a single mom of two toddlers who realized just how capable she was to do it alone. I was meant to be a single mom who finally discovered her worth, free of the shadow she created over herself by idolizing the man she loved. I was always meant to be a women who met so many incredible people and had the most satisfying experiences. I was always meant to be the founder of D is for Divorce.


Divorce is tough, whatever the reason, whoever is at fault, whenever it happens. D is for Divorce was borne from the end of my marriage, the destruction of the life I thought was meant to be. Divorce, like becoming a parent, getting a tattoo or the passing of a loved one, can only be truly understood by those who have gone through it. I found great comfort, and continue to find comfort, in speaking to other divorcees who have been through a divorce or are in the process of getting divorced. I hope the creation of D is for Divorce can do the same for others navigating this life altering thing called divorce.

Welcome to D is for Divorce where we go from bitter to better….together.